Honest, affordable protection since 1985.

Home Help!

We have created some tools to help you…

Troubleshoot, Maintain, Save!

We have prepared a home maintenance checklist, maintenance and servicing tips, and other valuable resources and information especially for you.

  1. Home Systems Annual Maintenance Checklist
    Keep track of all your home’s systems, appliances, yearly must do and domestic and/or municipal well information for city or district.
  2. Home Maintenance Information and Servicing Tips, Household Recalls, etc.
    Including phone numbers for extended warranty manufactures that you may already have on a system or appliance, polybutylene, carbon monoxide detector information, hard to find parts, fireplace related information and resources, recalls and recalled house hold items and problems, lead based paint, and asbestos information, plus more.
  3. Troubleshooting Information and Problem Solving Solutions
    What you can do before you call us for help.
  4. Average Repair and Replacement Service Costs
    What you could pay for repair and replacements.
  5. Governor’s Office of Energy Management & Conservation
    A site designed to help Colorado homeowners reduce energy expenses and incentives.
  6. Resources for consumers, businesses and transportation plus, more. The official site for theĀ State of Colorado